The finals of the SWS go-kart World Championship with a success for Slovaks!

08.7.2023, Orechová Potôň - The finals of the SODI WORLD SERIES go-kart World Championship, organized on 5-8. July in the karting center at the SLOVAKIA RING brought a lot of dramatic moments and several successes for the Slovak representatives as well.

Prestížneho podujatia, jedného z najväčších výrobcov motokár na sveta- značky SODI, sa zúčastnilo 360 jazdcov z vyše 40 krajín sveta. Tí počas štyroch dní zvádzali neľútostné súboje vo viacerých kategóriách, zbierali body a postupovali až do sobotného vyvrcholenia, kde sa stretli tí najlepší z najlepších. Pre Slovákov sa najúspešnejšou napokon stala kategória detí, v ktorej svoje prvenstvo získal Maximilián Sovič zo Slovakia Karting Clubu. V kategórii junior si zo Slovákov najlepšie počínal Richard Benka z rovnakého klubu, keď obsadil krásne tretie miesto. Rýchlejší boli len druhý Brit Jeremy Swan-Montgomory a prvý Slovinec Nejc Kosenina.

360 drivers from more than 40 countries took part in the prestigious event of one of the biggest go-karts manufacturers in the world - SODI. Drivers during four days battled in several categories and with points collected they progressed to Saturday's final races, where the best of the best met. The children's category was the most successful for Slovaks, in which Maximilián Sovič from Slovakia Karting Club took the first place. In Junior category, Richard Benka from the same club performed best among the Slovaks, taking a beautiful third place. Only the second British Jeremy Swan-Montgomory and the first Slovenian Nejc Kosenina were faster.

Stella Khurova from Fibo Karting was the best Slovakian in Women's category, Abi Sanders from Great Britain took the first place.

Sprint category of men was divided into three groups according to the points obtained in individual qualifications. In the first and fastest group Tomáš Miksa from the Slovak Karting Center did the best, starting from the eleventh place got the most out of the initial collisions in the front and even led the race for a while. However, he took an excellent sixth place and thus became the most successful Slovak in this category. In the second group of sprinters, our Sebastián Pástor from Fibo Karting won in a dramatic race ahead of the Russian Daniil Lashin and the third Dominik Oreskovic from Croatia. In the last, third group of sprint races the German Timo Schmid finished first, our Slovakian Lukáš Vid from Kart One Arena came second and the third was Hungarian Martin Nedermuller.
Part of the world finals was an endurance 12-hour team race with 44 teams from 26 countries. At exactly midnight, we learned the name of the winning team, which was last year's winner of our 24h race - the PF RACING team from Germany. The second place went to Italy for the PFV team and the third to Portugal for the PS&A – ADVOGADOS team. The Young&Wild team was the best of the Slovak teams, finishing in eleventh place, while the Slovak Kart Masters team took 29th place.

About SWS

SWS races are held throughout the year in every corner of the world on various go-kart tracks, using SODI go-karts . SWS currently represents the world's largest go-kart racing format for the general public. More than 70,000 racers from 300 countries are currently registered in the SWS system, who drive and compete on regular go-karts from local rental shops and gradually collect points for each race in the overall ranking. Every year, the best from each country will meet in the big world finals. This year, the French promoter chose Slovakia and the karting center at the SLOVAKIA RING for its grand finale.
