Since 2020, healthcare services at the SLOVAKIA RING circuit have been provided by RZP, a.s.

Medical services stand ready to examine and treat patients who suffer an injury or are in an accident when driving on the SLOVAKIA RING track or anyone in the facility who suffers from acute heath trouble.

How does it work?

Following first-aid care provided on the track, the rescue service team then transfers the victim to the Medical Centre where additional and needed healthcare is then provided. Victims are then transported to hospital if required and in the case of more serious injuries or conditions.

Medical Centre facilities

The facility is equipped up to FIA and FIM standards and includes everything needed to provide high-quality healthcare services, short of hospitalisation.

The Medical Centre is composed of a number of units:

  • Emergency care – this area is used for emergency cases and features three intensive-care beds and a special burn unit
  • Exam room – this space is used for observing patients after an accident
  • There is a separate walk-in clinic for treating patients who are able to walk independently after arriving at the Medical Centre
  • There is a doping control room as well.

This service is exclusively for the needs of treating drivers and their accompaniment!