A driving school can teach you basics of driving and traffic rules, but not how to control your car in critical situations. Therefore, we offer you exactly what every driver/rider needs - to know the limits of yourself and your vehicle/motorcycle, especially in unexpected critical situations. Our additional training and courses take place on a specialised training ground, built according to the Austrian model of training centers. Within its framework, we can simulate various critical situations throughout the year. Guidance and mastering of different types of skids is only part of the courses. Our training ground has special low-adhesion surfaces, heated irrigation systems, water and light obstacles, automatic speed traps and a hydraulic kick plate for inducing oversteer.
Main goals of our courses

We will teach you how to handle different types of skids along with avoidance maneuvers

Effective methods for saving fuel

Foresee and eliminate critical situations on the road

We will show you the limits of your vehicle and of your own reactions