Úvodné podujatie oficiálnych majstrovstiev Slovenska pretekov automobilov do vrchu pod názvom HILL CLIMB RACE SLOVAKIA RING odštartuje 5.4. v areáli okruhu SLOVAKIA RING.
The Porsche Sprint Challenge Central Europe (PSCCE) is a series organized by Austrian Lechner Racing. Drivers compete in three races using Porsche 991 GT3 Cup cars.
POWER FEST is an opportunity to spend a public holiday (May 1st) immersed in the roar of engines, the shine of sleek tuning specials, and the backdrop of endless tire smoke.
Weekend (June 7-8 2025) will belong to the top event of the season - OMV MaxxMotion Goodyear FIA ETRC TRUCK RACE OF SLOVAKIA - European Truck Racing Championship and GT Cup Series. On Saturday (June 7th), after the races, we can look forward to an evening full of great music and entertainment at one of the most popular open-air festivals - 90's SUPER FEST!
International Motorcycle Road Racing Championship - the best riders will compete for trophies in different cubic capacity classes.
The OMV MaxxMotion Grand Prix of the Slovakia holds a special place in our calendar, dating back to the very beginning of the circuit's existence. This most traditional event always attracts a large number of vehicles from various divisions, including the Slovak Championships as well as neighboring countries. Undoubtedly one of the top events of the year, enriched by the TCR Eastern Europe Touring Car Championship!
The best motorcycle racers of the Central European region will fight for trophies in several classes. This is the largest motorcycle race in our country and at the same time one of the most regular on our circuit - since the opening in 2010, they have not missed us even once!
Histo Cup is another integral part of our autodrome. Lovers of historical gems - both old and youngtimers - will surely enjoy this event.
The traditional motorsport event, POWER FEST Drag, Drift, Tuning Day & Subaru Meeting at the Slovakia Ring circuit, will be all about an extreme concentration of horsepower, insanely fast machines, and polished garage gems.
The traditional rallycross race within the Central European zone championships - OMV MAXXMOTION FIA CEZ RALLYCROSS 2024 returns to our special track with the best drivers of the zone.
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