About 4. Rally SLOVAKIA RING 2023 Event

About 4. Rally SLOVAKIA RING 2023 Event

Orechová Potôň, Slovakia, 13.3.2023 - 4. Rally SLOVAKIA RING 2023 will start on March 24-25, 2023 as the opening round of the Slovak Rally Championship.

As part of the event, competing crews will fight for points in the 2023 Slovak International Rally Championship, the 2023 Slovak Rally Championship, the 2023 Slovak Rally Championship of Historic Vehicles, but also in the 2023 Slovak Rally Cup. In addition to the aforementioned competitions, the crews can fight for the victory at the SLOVAKIA RING within the Rally Legend or the Regional Rally Cup.

In the current season, the point system according to the valid regulations of the SAMŠ is interesting. Each competition day is evaluated by a certain coefficient, which is used to multiply the obtained points into the year-long classification. A coefficient of 4 is applied to 4. Rally SLOVAKIA RING 2023 Event. This means that the points earned will be multiplied by four. In practice, if someone misses the opening rally event of the season, it will be very difficult for him to catch up points of rivals who start at every event.

4. Rally SLOVAKIA RING 2023 Event will have a total of 71.80 kilometers within SIRC, SRC and SRC HV, while six speed trials will measure 66.70 kilometers. In the case of Slovak Rally Cup it will be 35.25 kilometers in total and 33.40 kilometers measured.

Find more information about the event and tickets here: https://slovakiaring.sk/en/src...

Miro Majláth
Chairman OV
4. Rally SLOVAKIA RING 2023