Are you a rider with two or three years experience? Would you like to discover how much further you can brake, increase your tilt, or turn around within 4 metres with a large GS?
It is always possible to improve your riding skills and we are ready to help you do so!
MOTORBIKE COURSE LEVEL 2 begins with a brief of basic maintenance and motorcycle setup, as well as emphasis on the correct braking techniques and different tilts. The next step is learning maneuvres to avoid collision in a stright line, tilt and the escape technique.
During the course, you ride your own motorcycle.
The course is intended for manual transmission motorcycles only.
There are five riders per instructor in a group. During practise, the first step is going through slalom and braking in a sharp but sensitive slowdown. The aim of the exercise is to practise a situation where a car does not give you passage, which will require the rider to have training to avoid collision by maneuvering.
After mastering these maneuvers in a straight line, there will be tilting practise. Not only the classic "roll", but also the right cornering and the possible angles in avoidance maneuvers, which will imporve your skills. The MOTORBIKE COURSE LEVEL 2 ends at 16:00p.m. with the rider´s evaluation and certificate hand outs.

9:00 – 16:00

9:00 – 11:30

12:30 – 13:30

11:00 – 12:30
13:30 – 15:30