Learn critical braking, avoid unexpected obstacles and control the skid. This basic course is for drivers of any skill level.
You will learn how to better control your car in critical situations. We encourage you to drive your personal car, so you will able to learn its limitations as well as your own.
However, in case you would like to rent one of our cars , there is an additional cost of 90.00 EUR (incl. VAT)
Please contact us below for more information or to purchase a class voucher.
Controlling four types of critical situations

Braking in the shortest distance possible and on different surfaces

Avoiding unexpected obstacles

Front-wheel skid

Rear-wheel skid
The standard safe driving course consists of theory and practise.
Audiovisual theoretical lessons and mutual discussion help drivers become more familiar with the techniques of coping with straightline and cornering critical situations. The principals of critical braking and maneuvering of vehicles in deteriorated conditions will also be covered, as well as the possibilities of managing understeer and oversteer, how to position yourself correctly in a car seat and the consequences of accidents. After the lunch break, an intensive practical training takes place in the professional training grounds.
Don´t worry, the manouvers taken place in the skid areas do not damage your vehicle or tires!
For each driver, the instructor adjusts the difficulty of individual exercises directly from the control center. Along with the instructor, you will be using a walkie-talkie for communication, to receive instructions and live feedback. Drivers must direct their full attention on coping with unexpected critical situation, while instructors ensure constant communication to improve the driver´s response.
Upon graduation, drivers will increase their confidence in driving the vehicle, will be able to avoid critical situations and understand the technical capabilities of his vehicle. They will also understand and experience how the braking distance increases in different surfaces and at different speeds, how the vehicle behaves in understeer and oversteer, what is the effect of the vehicle's centrifugal force in a bend and the reason why the seatbelts and other equipment are mandatory to promote higher safety.
In the final phase of the class, the instructor will summarise the modules and what was covered, the drivers will express their opinions to contribute to future courses, and a certificate of completion of the safe driving course will be handed out.

9:00 – 16:00

09:00 – 11:30

11:30 – 12:30

12:30 – 16:00