Safe driving courses for trucks over 3.5t are intended for all vehicles from light trucks to heavy trucks (buses, tractors, caravans, vans, dump trucks...).
About the course
The course consists of theoretical part and practise on the training ground. The main focus of the course is on how to control a vehicle correctly, passive and active safety, managing critical situations, oversteer and understeer, emergency braking on slippery surfaces and on surfaces with different adhesion.

how to drive safely, managing critical situations

Zvýšená predvídavosť možných rizík v premávke, zvládnutie krízovej situácie, vyhnutie sa nečakanej prekážke
Increased foresight of possible risks in traffic, handling critical situations, avoiding unexpected obstacles

Drivers of vehicles over 3.5t

9:00 - 16:00
according to requirements
The course is led by experienced instructors with many years of experience driving trucks. During the practise, drivers are in constant radio contact with the instructor, giving each other feedback so a driver can successfully master each exercise. At the end of the course, the instructor will evaluate the entire process, summarize all the new information, and the participants will express their opinion and the contribution to practice.