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Learn to brake in a crisis, avoid obstacles and handle skids. The course is intended for all drivers, regardless of the level of driving skills.
Methodologically, it is directly related to the AUTO STANDARD course, so we start from the fact that the driver already has a certain skill to handle crisis braking on various surfaces, controls the correct technique of avoiding accidental obstacles and handles the vehicle in understeer and oversteer skid.
Začínaš jazdiť, máš menšiu motorku značky HONDA a chceš sa s ňou zoznámiť v bezpečnom prostredí pod dohľadom skúseného inštruktora? Potom je pre teba ideálny náš úvodný skrátený kurz v rámci nového programu HONDA MOTORCYCLE SAFETY TRAINING. Kurz je určený výlučne pre majiteľov značky HONDA. Poukážka je platná 12 mesiacov od dátumu zakúpenia. Uplatniť ju môžete v sezóne počas mesiacov apríl - október Poskytovateľom služby je: SLOVAKIA RING AGENCY, s.r.o. Orechová Potôň 800, 930 02 Orechová Potôň IČO: 44 407 793 IČ DPH: SK2022690934 Tel: +421 917 932 702 Email: cbj@slovakiaring.sk
Začínaš jazdiť, máš menšiu motorku značky HONDA a chceš sa s ňou zoznámiť v bezpečnom prostredí pod dohľadom skúseného inštruktora? Potom je pre teba ideálny náš úvodný skrátený kurz v rámci nového programu HONDA MOTORCYCLE SAFETY TRAINING. Kurz je určený výlučne pre majiteľov značky HONDA. Poukážka je platná 12 mesiacov od dátumu zakúpenia. Uplatniť ju môžete v sezóne počas mesiacov apríl - október Poskytovateľom služby je: SLOVAKIA RING AGENCY, s.r.o. Orechová Potôň 800, 930 02 Orechová Potôň IČO: 44 407 793 IČ DPH: SK2022690934 Tel: +421 917 932 702 Email: cbj@slovakiaring.sk
Learn to brake in a crisis, avoid obstacles and handle skids. The course is intended for all drivers, regardless of the level of driving skills.
Learn to brake in a crisis, avoid obstacles and handle skids. The course is intended for all drivers, regardless of the level of driving skills.
Methodologically, it is directly related to the AUTO STANDARD course, so we start from the fact that the driver already has a certain skill to handle crisis braking on various surfaces, controls the correct technique of avoiding accidental obstacles and handles the vehicle in understeer and oversteer skid.
Learn to brake in a crisis, avoid obstacles and handle skids. The course is intended for all drivers, regardless of the level of driving skills.
Learn to brake in a crisis, avoid obstacles and handle skids. The course is intended for all drivers, regardless of the level of driving skills.
Methodologically, it is directly related to the AUTO STANDARD course, so we start from the fact that the driver already has a certain skill to handle crisis braking on various surfaces, controls the correct technique of avoiding accidental obstacles and handles the vehicle in understeer and oversteer skid.
Methodologically, it is directly related to the AUTO STANDARD course, so we start from the fact that the driver already has a certain skill to handle crisis braking on various surfaces, controls the correct technique of avoiding accidental obstacles and handles the vehicle in understeer and oversteer skid.
Methodologically, it is directly related to the AUTO STANDARD course, so we start from the fact that the driver already has a certain skill to handle crisis braking on various surfaces, controls the correct technique of avoiding accidental obstacles and handles the vehicle in understeer and oversteer skid.
Learn to brake on different surfaces, avoid obstacles at different speeds using brake, move off on a hill with reduced adhesion, driving skills and overcome the centrifugal force in order to make the turn. The voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. Sign up in Center of Safe Driving calendar. The course provider is: SLOVAKIA RING AGENCY, s.r.o. Orechová Potôň 800, 930 02 Orechová Potôň Slovak Republic IČO: 44 407 793 IČ DPH: SK2022690934 Tel: +421 917 932 702 Email: cbj@slovakiaring.sk
Learn to brake in a crisis, avoid obstacles and handle skids. The course is intended for all drivers, regardless of the level of driving skills.
Methodologically, it is directly related to the AUTO STANDARD course, so we start from the fact that the driver already has a certain skill to handle crisis braking on various surfaces, controls the correct technique of avoiding accidental obstacles and handles the vehicle in understeer and oversteer skid.
Learn to brake in a crisis, avoid obstacles and handle skids. The course is intended for all drivers, regardless of the level of driving skills.