24H SLOVAKIA RING Cycling race is an endurance cycling event for amateurs as well as for professionals where a team of one, two, four, six or eight members tries to do as many laps as possible within 24 hours on the race track.
- Start: 26.6.2019 at 12pm, Le Mans Style
- Finish:27.6.2019 at 12pm
Registration start
- From December 15, 2018
Registration process
- Competitor registration:http://24hod.sportsoft.cz/main.aspx?e=85&lng=cz
- Registration will be valid only after the starting fee has been paid!
Every participant can use the facilities of SLOVAKIA RING – paddock boxes, restaurant, hotel Ring
There are 32 lockable garage boxes for your use, the rent price is 200€/ each. Every box contains a LCD screen with online results, running cold/hot water, seating, electric energy supply (380V and 240V)
- We recommend the accommodation at hotel Ring, you can book it directly with the hotel with 30% discount
- Food and beverages are served at RING RESTAURANT opened 24h
- For special request an individual catering can be arranged in VIP rooms of the race track
Every participant will receive a start-up package.
Contact for organization: Mr. Leonard Hrobárek, hrobarek@slovakiaring.sk
For complete information please see the General terms and conditions.
General terms and conditions 24h SLOVAKIA RING cycling race 2018